Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to stop your boss in one sentence

Now, I would like to begin by saying this post from the parent is not all the mean bad, that we are in the country, I'm good, you have the right, OK? But it should be noted, sometimes (with) goes on a bit! It is good that we help to save time and shorten the conversation a little. I am sure that you get my drift! Transactional analysis is called for good reason. If we look at how two people communicate and distribute to all a single transaction to update what it takes to go there, we call it the transactional analysis. This report refers to the outline in various ways, where we operate and how we use this information for the management of transactions, we have.

What you need to manage, you can ask? If you understand how we communicate with others, you have the power to restore requests, so I love or is dead in their tracks. You want to track a conversation with this attractive girl/guy at the party?No problem!, climbed on his head, so you do not have certain work? rules and your wishes come TRUE!

The first homework, if you read the post isn't ego States and I urged to part 1 go today, whereas to understand that I speak here you must have a knowledge base that ego State.implementation? good! you have my permission to read...

Now the definition.

Of the transaction.

"The States of an exchange of blows between two people, composed of motivation and the reaction between special ego".(Woollams and Brown, 1978)

Eric Berne come rules we helps to understand that we may communicate with each other transactions in different ways to keep your.thinking cap and let's look more closely the following rules:

When transactions are free, you can go to indéterminée.Ce duration that is accomplished, I mean?"when we talk to someone, our mother State of ego that we are able to invite them to meet their child ego u.s. State ' they are well and good, it can call the interval progrès.dans, parent-child window without a change in the State, both sides of the call can go infinitely ego it appears that...."

A "sitting in the seat.

(B) - "I want to."

And, "will you do if you have, he said.

(B)-' are you still learn I was nothing.»

A "no answer me back cheeky boy."

Etc., etc., etc.

Why is it useful? If you are in a situation where you friends or to read more about that to keep your transactions if they invite responses for adults meet your adult. Coming from the child to play with them and come from childhood .you are likely to have on this route and have friendly feelings towards the other person.

If the transaction is not a call so that, if before.Jenny asks "How are you and they reply", why should you give? "Not really somewhere that you can go without a parts move request has exceeded the ego State."adults with children answer game the same in the following example:

Pete - the "late you once more!"a better time!»(Contrôle_de_la_mère_et_répondant_l'enfant_à_l'invitation)

Paul-"how I dare not speak to me that she never shout me?" new!"(Parent reaction control)

It is likely that in this example, Pete would have been quite surprised and probably do not know how réagir.Il would have to reassess the situation and either change child ego State (perhaps unfortunately) or the news in the parent in both cases, the interview will be shut down and start stutter way.

Why is it useful to know the?If you call close cross-border transactions, you want to just receive.don't forget that you can apply for faire.votre relationship with the person to whom you speak, will likely suffer.exception: when you click on the transaction with the addresses of intimacy .action atmosphere commands are very useful for the dong and the privacy of another person to invite .the key of this leading to stop if you get an advance for the rant, just cross the transaction and confusing plot on his face - but be careful, it is a rapid procedure to queue top wait!

Unspoken transactions is a psychological report is heard. underlying transactions when say you one thing but means another, another message is ramassée.un example is the "allow coffee?" after a night in a new invitation partenaire.Cette can be in the discussion, the richness of the bitter (unless you're Tom Hanks in "Gros").

Retailers are on the use of the underlying transactions."It is very expensive, it is an excellent way to end the sale of clients who have a problem with the appearance good marché.Vous hear more later"prohibitive"and the child, the purchase of goods to demonstrate that it can respond.

Why is it useful? if someone uses the single child of transaction report power and feel popular .c ' is your intuition in permissions you listen to your intuition, can help you do things that are against interest if you are a reseller, you can use this procedure to other widgets to sell ethical, but Hein?

Know that the three lines of communication can help dramatically get it our messages to other personnes.nous allow power to terminate calls to communicate, that we do not want to go and success with other relations.

The value of enterprise communication

It is very important the value of the communication on the basis of success in business. Without communication, you can contact the different layers and levels that are actually in each type of activity. Communication is the way in which the complete range of persons and entities that are not part of the company. Business strategy can be something this good produced by persons who are members of the organization or a small team, but this certainly requires vision and expresses the idea of a platform where you can customize and explain to people who don't share our vision and should not include both things on.

It is not only for communication with people who are not part of the Organization, what is really important, the idea is converted and understandable for the user, who has become an integral part of the whole of the system itself.any form of bad and should have the opportunity to obtain the misunderstanding after good communication on this subject can be effectuée.Cela can in no way that you ignore.

Sort of a dynamic organization or a company of communication is used to improve the possibilities and creates the space for the interaction of people as employees in the Organization, it is also used with the mode of teaching and education of the people and the negotiations took place offers seamless communication lisse.vous gives the motivation to work and work in the public interest, because it is really a very responsible for the design of reports on different levels.A great platform for innovation.

People feel and the courage to speak of ideas your organization really possible to move .Lorsqu ' communication is not supported or better that people prefer accommodation separately and problems would stack up unattended after a very long period.

Accommodation for the competition is a tool for communication is of fundamental importance for confidence.acts and problem solving are very important.for each type of business, it is important to understand that would remain in place behave as a reactionary. multitasking, it would be very beneficial for the employee and the Organization of the show.

Good communication is a sign that business is doing well, and even in the event that this is step so, then one can doubt comes at the time of the crisis and the good times strive .c ' is a good way to attract customers and clients, as well as its affiliates, which are crucial for the functioning of society.

Forms of communication is greatly amélioré.Maintenant if anyone problem are stored in communication with senior colleagues and subordinates and e-mail letters and faxes can provide solutions to the problème.Il is important to understand the clarity of ideas, but you receive the message the second platform is not so important.

Office Etiquette

These relationships often help to facilitate work getting done by the use of informal networks, and the like. However, there are some things to watch for when dealing with work "friends":

Just like elementary school, there are workplace bullies, gossips, hangers-on, and snitches. Sadly, this behavior never changes. Be cautious about these types of people.If you find yourself in the "in" group, and it turns out that the "in" group is keeping many others out, belittling, or unfairly criticize others, think about leaving this group - it's nothing more than a schoolyard clique and eventually, someone will bring it down. You don't want to be brought down with them.Always be friendly to everyone - even if you aren't close. It's surprising how many people look favorably upon someone who is always friendly, even if they don't know them well. The old adage that "perception is reality" is in play here in a positive way. You might learn a lot about things you didn't know by associating and being friendly with a wide group of people, and you'll have more people to turn to for your own favors, if you need them.The most important advice is to really know who your office friends really are. In the ever-shifting political sands of the workplace, confiding your secrets, hopes, desires, dreams, reservations, and dislikes to someone who you think is your friend and who turns out otherwise by betraying you could spell disaster for your job, and even for your career. Tread very carefully and be sure people are your friends before you get too chummy with them.With all co-workers, friends or not, remember to always stay professional while at work or at any work-related function.

Now, go enjoy your work related friends, tell an appropriate for the workplace joke, ask someone join you for lunch, and have fun.

Copyright � 2010, Trustworthy CoachingSM. All Worldwide Rights Reserved.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Avoid the audio system for conferences

A good audio system availability is crucial for any presentation or Conference without the presentation is exhausting and incoherent. The organizers of these events can invest in the audio visual equipment that can be used over and over again, or if the need for temporary, can go rent audio where are responsible for the audio system and related equipment of the car rental companies.

How can I get problems with audio systems to avoid?

The organisation of a Conference is if the company chooses their own audio systems to use and you, that ensure your equipment to account location to avoid audio interference.

Make sure you evaluate well in advance, rather than the event .a room with too much reverb surfaces causes major disruptions in audio.To avoid this, the room should be used acoustic contracts which means acoustic ceiling tiles with sound absorbing wall panels, floor mats and thick curtains for Windows seconds.If is not the case, then get the advice of an expert to see how the reverbs with some temporary solutions can reduce.

It is important to keep away from microphone of sources of external perturbations audio errors to reduzieren.Weisen one minimum number of microphones for the event and optimize user control to minimize volume.Garder in mind that add speakers too much or too little on this key problème.La is enough to use the audio speakers and maintaining a reasonable volume overall.

It is a few tips you audio errors to reduce and on a great show of the Conference to thereof can sound quality audio systems avoid worried constantly for, if you rent service-business rental famous, ensuring that your Conference without getting parasite in audio passes.

Purchase or rental of audio devices

Audio can very advantageous rent for events as lectures on new pages. equipment would purchase make sense if your company holds presentations and lectures frequently, to a small audience medium taille.Pour audience and large Web sites, the equipment should also be greater and more in number, which means that the investment will also need plus.Cet investments limited to equipment seuls.Vous, tech support and operators, who ensure that it not a malfunction to finance during the event.

You are also responsible for the maintenance and upgrade system, which takes time and considerable fonds.lorsque material is your own, you consider Visual problems with audio, incurred before, during or after the program.. .the "another option for the rental of audio systems is convenient audio distribution company supported audio devices handling and the service.Dans rented, often, can even before on-site support you rent."

Friday, October 29, 2010

Confidence, leadership, involvement of employees

Bell terms above a ringing in your head or a bouncer? In most cases people are not in a position, a connection to it. In reality, that above complement terms and influence each other.

Trust seems a very emotional and sentimental, Word usually limited to a personal relationship and had nothing to do with work or business.

Not only the common myth is above all in modern day I come jump every six months, what the hell is the trust?It's an old-fashioned, it has no place in my vocabulary... is the dialogue and appears, he can often be heard?

This is absolute...Who asked why it when?

Leadership - is a quality, people have people more than a gift naturel.Mais, how many of us positive support? HM not beaucoup.ainsi are a necessity to come, a clair.On guide the importance of leadership should understand the various components that are connected to a leader and how one assigns each string individuals or employees in several ways.

A and would create trust between employees and win your confiance.Pourquoi is important, trust and approved by the employee?

Trust is the foundation leadership and what follows.

How to win the trust of colleagues, subordinates and colleagues?

Spend millions dollars by se.oder rather why someone trust, it will not happen overnight.It is not a day that you choose someone from the next day and declare, I hope that you partner.

Happens gradually, and time. Well, it's built like you? Just simply do every day and every day.

As you interact with your staff on a daily basis, makes a great Unterschied.Behandeln you as furniture or make an effort to make like people Fühlen.Ein patterns that connects its employees better able people, off the coast of things better than a pattern drag, which serves as a big shot.

It is very important that we feel connected to our very nature as human beings, employees spend exactly 9 hours at work, which about 1/3 one day island.all means that you have a significant portion of their time at work verbringen.Wenn you feel at home, it makes you emotionally unstable.

Have a transparent working culture is much;Employees must have cut know idea what and how to contribute to the ultimate goal of Société.Ceci after Blind.Nein is possible if the leaders that are open, shared and participative ist.vorbei day plants where you say to do what you and you are just like a flock of sheep, today is an age where the question of people and every single life to Fuß.Wenn you not clear question actions and folgen.Sie lose confidence.

Trusted online leader a clear shared his and open to employees.

Another way to gain the confidence would drive for example – most of the staff find your inspiration .donc guide what image and stature, who between them to create questions much.sure to keep your work on time, without the unused resources every time.Make sure you have a vision for you and your employees.sure that you are credible views your employees by fulfilling all your promises.

Start to have confidence in you and trust in the credibility of the company employees from all this.

Only grateful is another are important, the confiance.Vous to build element should brave enough accept and appreciate the work and the ideas that offer your employees do not, or if you do motivated remarquez.donnant credit for their efforts and makes imply and requires your travail.Vous in one way or another a taker care staff, if you lose confidence échouez.Ils.

Think you above have employees engaged, active and productive are rather hostile and ineffective?I think, still see the displayed results automatiquement.Ne the link, I hope you do.

Speak with confidence

Many people wonder how you can communicate with greater confidence when you speak. You questions whether it is a matter of choice of vocabulary to speak louder or a new combination dressing. Today I on this subject that you advise my readers.

First things first - understanding effective communication on one aspect of communication.Il is not enough to large "power start just words" use and expect that everyone on your communication skills and transferred to your new pitch.

My company name says it all: communications.Vous 3, 3V need to evaluate how you verbally communicate, striking and visuellement.Voici help a few techniques to use for you to speak with confidence.

So-called power words help? Sicherzustellen.Es is always a good idea to have a deep vocabulary that give a precise meaning to the right word, speech or conversation wählte.Der is key, have a word or a phrase that is easy, but it is not someone trying, with .Courte impress your vocabulary and knowledge of jargon and concise business one result confiant. to produce également use of the strong and committed words is like for example "location", his "Yes", "." puissant Randonnée "100 %" etc. and use superlatives ainsi.Par example:
"The United States is committed to 100% protect of its citizens against terrorism."
"Toronto is the most multicultural city I've ever seen."
"Cubans are the best Salsa dancers in the world."

Enough for talk is one of the world, without yelling werden.sprechen about your membrane, the technical old acteurs.Parler person on the back of the talk salle.lorsque with confidence is you, speak at a medium pace that uses your Clés.Nous appropriate dynamic words also emphasized gestures to our stress and intonation must add visual contact and body language adjust.

Examples of highlighting important:
"Our company would like to say to you today an agreement."
(To clear purpose and not enough)
"Our company would like to say to you today an agreement."
(Too much focus on you and your company wishes.)(May be demanding go.)
"Our company would like to say to you today an agreement."
(Much more rhythmic and dynamic if spoken voice but friendly and balance has.)

Visual communication up to 55% of our planned feeling and attitude transmis.Pour trust show allows you have great attitude, many eye contact, often smile (if it applicable), were the hand gestures that are synchronized with your voice and verbal communication and you must know how to attract for Réussir.Vous must understand what first clothing and feel better for your body type (i.e. not too tight, too cool steps), and you must be properly dressed for the occasion.

If you wear an item of clothing you have 5 years carefully think itself, how others until you wear nouveau.Il it appears important to realize that some people, especially in the business world have an acute sense of modern fashion and judges that you based on that if you see that you wear a cool tie, wide trousers, shoes, scratched a shirt with collar is the wrong size, shoulder seams, biceps still on your, etc..

Women need the legacy mode, consciously be port shoulder pads huge (except when it is mode!), to wear hair and make-up styles of 90's heavy fragrance and tailored even more clothes body type.

Since I'm not an expert in mode only will I tell you, that a number of fashion websites, blogs, books and magazines as well as consultants from the picture nearby gives you need une.Heureusement, most people do it, if you your common trendy or a friend.listen, I crossed a number of changes in my dress for the last few years, around better, I suppose because I listened to my fiancee.

If you are not sure how reliable encounter, it may be time, ask someone that you trust to your 3Vs to check and see if there is no way to talk and with more than confiance.Si seen will need me, let me know.

Best wishes

Coach Ric

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sincerity, honesty and honest communication

Honesty and sincerity are the power of communication in the workplace. A winning combination. My point is we want to win, but who wants to pay to win the prize? My answer is who really wants and if you don't like or love honesty and sincerity without taking into account account follow. Doing everything right, term, better long what do what is wrong. In fact, I would say honestly and reasonably make honesty and sincerity are everywhere in life. Workplace a microcosm of honesty and sincerity is really means easy for the people.

Safe, insincere, of thinking and acting is not sincere and bad results everywhere. Loss runs because you took this bad direction along the path of professionalism, a so-called took "cut short." Only genuine, sincere and honest "long cuts" are guaranteed really nothing to do, it is the part of honesty and sincerity I speak in this article. It is one thing, creativity and look for creative solutions that work, but it of another thing entirely too lazy and cheat. It is also a point for me. Course, no matter what, we must for us on foot or move for us, at any time to get what we want and need for privacy. Life is always "easy" with the eyes and closed minds.If the eyes and mind open and working, it is really easier on long Sicht.Es can be difficult in the short term, but if you are attentive, honest and sincere, it really long term more friendly vivre.Pour bad consequences are poor follow, good consequences are good follow.

Honesty and sincerity start, look in the mirror and know how to live. I know how it sounds and I know how others appears to agree. But it is real and honest. You know what you did when you read your own face and spirit in the mirror. This is what it is for up to: like what you see when you read once you have done your actions?I can answer this question and fairness not, I do not my answer geben.jedoch you answer this question for yourself can, by deep look in the mirror and on this reagieren.Wenn that reply is satisfactory, keep doing what you do and mieux.Si it is not satisfactory, go to work, things clear by you yourself.Honesty and integrity begins with you, how it with me always.

Differences of opinion

Sometimes you have to say "No" to an application or an idea. You want course, ideally in a way not the other person to alienate the. This is the case for cooperation of the person. To what do you say? Try these three approaches:

Agreement approach only.
1 Enter you the position of the person
2. The condition can accept
3 Request agreement

"Robert, I understand that you use the format you are designing for submission, your numbers (position of the person) …this numbers are important, and I agree that you want to include (what you cannot accept) when comes the report, we must all use the same format for the moment.""you are ready, your part numbers in our to have this time (ask agree, you can accept)."

Approval and rejection of approach.
1 Enter you the position of the person
2. The condition can accept
3 Indicates that you are not with some
4 Questions agree what can accept

"Robert, I understand that you are the format that you design for submitting your numbers (position of the person) want to use."«These figures are important, and I agree that you are included (what you cannot accept) folded associated with the report can not I do not agree with us using this format (, you do not agree) .we have all the same format for the time being verwenden.Sind you prepared your contain numbers in our at this time (questions have can accept agree what)?

Win - win and compromise approach.
1 Enter you the position of the person
2. The condition can accept
3 Indicates that you are not with some
4 Offer a compromise for a win-win position
5 Seek agreement on the compromise

"Robert, I understand that you use the format you are designing for submission, your numbers (position of the person) …this numbers are important, and I agree that you want to include (what you cannot accept) when it comes the report, I may disagree with us this file format (, not with some that) .Cependant, I am willing to make your new format at the next meeting for a more thorough with our membership team (compromise)."You are ready, your part numbers in our to have this time (ask compromise agreement)?

Let people know that your ideas in the field

It's rarely easy to say ' no 'c' is especially the case, if someone really adamant on a problème.Il is important so that people know that, even if you finally say 'No' to their demande.Ces understand three approaches provide your problem you options so that people know that you have considered your position if you are not prepared with her in this moment.Et if people know your ideas will cooperate currently checked that you are more likely to try with your idée.OU at least vote and sabotaging your idea.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Workplace communication-8 important skill categories

Skills that communicate, depends how such as where you work, what you do, you are working with factors If these factors change, adjust how you communicate. However, there are certain categories of "Core" of the communication skills that will be helpful at all times and in all situations. Eight you are listed below:

1 Conflict management: to open discussions on difficult issues to an asset important.Tout is also important is the ability to work through differences.

2 Dealing with difficult people: sometimes you must with people to work, the standard approach, negative and must be hostile. A useful skill is to know how to recognize the behavior of these people and manage your interaction with them.

3 Presentation: If you need to speak with someone or 50 you to submit your ideas for targeted and coherent way.You must also ensure your presentation approach is effective and that your content significantly ist.Diese are valuable for maintaining your current position and opportunities for career advancement abilities.

4 Writes: If you are writing E-mails, texts or official documents, there are certain rules and protocols that things as grammar and punctuation suivre.Des belong to this group of skills.But do as membership for the company, formatting and language to use things procedure.

5 Listening: this jurisdiction more pending Réponse.Il using verbal statements and non-verbal cues that communicates to the speakers that you are actively involved in the conversation is implied.

6 Negotiation: There are always times when you need to reach a compromise or a situation winner - winner this case have the skills to clarify what you want, check, the other person and the discussion to a positive result.

7 Phone: There are always times when you need, with people on the phone to sprechen.Es difficult conversations is therefore help you to master the skills that can help to get you to telephone conversations need information or help.

8 Verbale: Talk with a clear voice is one Kernkompetenz.Aber therefore present your ideas in a format easy to understand, the listener .This skills the core of all communication processes are.

Communication skills matter

Communication skills are even more important that other.. .the key is whether use communication skills to determine you besoin.Pour you need this process 3 - step Rowth first, start with these eight Catégories Deuxièmement, consult examining specific communication skills within each Catégorie.En Thirdly, to use these specific communication skills to improve the way that communicate and help others to communicate better.

Effective communication in business- Challenges and Solutions

Effective communication in the world of fast-paced business presents a greater range of challenges if we communicate with our friends and family. Here three communication in your business communications more effective challenges more frequently that are specifically achieve solutions that will help you for the world and business - to each of you, you help.

Challenge # 1 - speed

Because communications companies tend to be faster than personal communication, you feel that we have little time to consider and the pervasive use of electronic communications creates our réponses.Face schedule personal meetings and negotiations review require immediate the true significance of communication of the other parties and we decide quickly to react in addition additional requirements for immediate responses.

If the recipient cannot be a communication faced with the need to react quickly, he or she most, make sure that you correctly understand message just like sender induced take .Vitesse misunderstandings by not time to verify that the true meaning of the message can result in unnecessary conflicts and errors, the cost of millions of necklaces and careers can destroy.

Solution: The most important consequences of the most important communication is intentionally slow and make sure that you understand the true meaning and intent of the other parties before the respond Sie.Mit understanding to check help from a few seconds can prevent disaster.

Challenge # 2 - lack of personal relationships

It's more likely that we will communicate with people we know well or that we never relationship did absence in personne.Cette personal advance us without any knowledge of the personality and trends of the other party verlassen.Selbst a minimum personal relationships provide us valuable insights that our unconscious used the exact meaning of the messages we determine get.

Solution: Check the meeting someone face to face it is not possible at least einmal.Wenn, to meet the other facts of the parties, meet at least speak via your mobile phone, before you engage in communication business important.Recherches showed, that a single session or phone conversation even acquired information can significantly improve the accuracy of your interpretation of their message and give you a valuable advantage worldwide packaged communication business pressure.

Challenge # 3 - that most focused on E-Mail

Email is the preferred (and sometimes exclusive) method of communication for many companies geworden.Mit of this increased depending on which E-mail body language to read the recipient or to hear the tones of voice this lack of these indexes Visual and auditory, forces of the receiver to not make assumptions about the meaning of the message sender allows communication challenges created by the fact.

In addition the volume received people causes read readers quickly and assumptions about the meaning of the messages of E-mail by the most business, you reçoivent.Des recent research has shown that are as little as 40% of e-Mail messages read as the sender intended.

Solution: Use an email if you have negotiations to communicate bad news or more send each message, the potentially sensitive or controversées. À of at least an important email read times to ensure that you check to answer all the possible meanings of you.


Because the consequences of failed communication business can be expensive and long term, use these three solutions to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to disaster.

Find more effective communication on my site resources look forward to "watch y"!

Words are important for any speech

I often talk business people, social groups and other features. One of the questions I ask still, after the speech, "a contact or I simply speak me." Only very few of us have heard only the time to someone. We hear someone looking in general information or communication. I've been through several lectures, seminars and meetings sat and wondered, what you were trying to say. I thought about it, I began tips to realize that I could use.

Have you ever to someone's or a speaker was able to hear big words and pompous in each sentence, said. There is no meaning what in the framework or not, it plug into the set. Big words were never impressed me and has me thinking that the speaker was knowledgeable.One thing if the word outside of the context if the speaker pointless scheint.Eine another thing, is that if I don't understand the word you something not communiquer.Quelque, after I read, when you look into a thesaurus, the wrong word use.

One of the first tips is to know your audience, "who are you to talk?" If you speak to a class of 2nd graders to present and explain your child then speaking at this level.If you an astrophysicist and speak, a symposium of Astrophysics may heard you able at a slightly higher level to sprechen.Ich, that the average person 10e.Si level applies means need your words only gear. Regardless of the communication and make easier level which is the goal of a speech that is easy to do as your speech.

Another tip is to know your subject. I can tell you from experience that attempt, to bluff your way through an unknown area is finally bite.It is usually very obvious if someone not familiar with the topic and only "blow smoke."Take the time to examine and understand the problem.Break it up to "its basic shape, is it easier to smart when he speak."Try simply omit childish sounding, forget not to know your audience.

We have all heard talk about children rhyme "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me."Cases as in other areas that have words devastating impact on your career and vie.pensez what you say and examine words carefully can in all situations YH is not vrai.En ' learned once by the Director of the Florida company, I worked just before me give a report, "I want to look at my words, my future work depends on their" I thought he was joking, but it had me thinking and I remember yet it when I give a report or a speech.

Discuss to improve Performance

There if you want to change the people to their behavior or smaller improvements. Its objective in these cases is to stop negative behaviors people and replace motivate through positive behaviors.
Motivating people to alter or improve want to describe describe that causes the behavior and the correct behavior.

When we talk about improvements to the people, things look at how the position of the person and your objectif.Dans some cases, can you mention can be your expectations for improvement, while in other cases ask for input on ways to improve the following 4 steps process performances.Le for every situation useful:

Step 1: Describe the negative performance: more exactly know the person that what she or he evil.

«"The comments were..."»
«"The presentation was...".»
«"Show reports...".»

Step 2: explain the importance of negative performance: learn who, specifically, why performance was not helpful.

«"This approach will cause...".»
«"Division is the impact on our research and analysis...".»
«"If you invite sessions...".»

Step 3: identify the positive performance: a concept for the person to improve performance in telling him online, it is wollen.Ein another approach to make a proposal concerning performance.Ou change you can ask for suggestions.Their approach could vary depending on the position of the person.

«"I need you...".»
«"Right approach requires...".»
"This would suggest that you...?"
"How do you...?"
"Have ever tried...."

Step 4: promote the implementation of positive performance: know to whom the "thank you" and explain that this is us at yield positive in the future, where you who know that you feel positive about their ability, as expected, or perform as agreed lassen.Dies is also where you confirm that performance positif.inclure monitoring and feedback details by understanding the person on your expectations or that represents any.

Of course your approach could differ depending on the position of the person you speak •devices a senior or a colleague, can you complete with, for example, the conversation...

"Happy proposal you found useful."

"Let your recommendations".

"This means a small mistake I know, is easy, so you can correct."

"I think that idea works."

However, the conversation can with child, finished...

"Happy found the suggestion utile.Je bet we will see a difference for our next Conference."

"" Let your materials, the recommandations.Nos is through the morning midi.lorsque be graphics for inclusion in the final package ready? ""

"It of a small bug that I know, is easy, so you can correct YH ' looking forward to get the report corrected tomorrow morning."

"I think this idea Fonctionnera.""Let's get together to see in the afternoon and a draft of the report."

Encouraging improvements and carry to the value

To promote a positive performance, use the language, the encourageant.Vous also want to bring your programming language people encouraged some améliorations.lorsque inquiring about the value and see the value of your application, you want to share are more likely to improve this 4-step process provides a way to increase your chances to get improvements that you want other people.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

21st Century Employment: Remote Working

Remote working (or working remotely) is the term used for workers that work out of the office, whether in the home or on the move.

Employers offering flexible working appear to be "modern", while software companies, eager to sell flashy equipment, advertise with gorgeously attractive workers sealing deals at home, on public transport, or by a swimming-pool while sipping a cocktail in some sort of work-themed paradise.

Working remotely has many obvious benefits, but there are also aspects about working at home or on the move which are not often considered, which means that this Utopian society is often not as idyllic as initially thought!

So, what are the problems? The IT department in your office provide fantastic support, so imagine the stress and problems caused when they are not around. You will also be required to spend money on printing cartridges and postage, make your own hot beverages, and, believe it or not, you may actually miss being around other people and interacting them.

If you feel that this isn't a problem for you, then remote working may be for you! The main benefit of working remotely is the freedom that is given to the employee. However, this is also the major downfall of remote working, as remote workers are often left "out of the loop" with regards to news and announcements from the workplace, which is obviously not ideal.

Some companies even now even pay to train their personnel to use unnecessarily complex "virtual offices" to be used by their staff, while other consulting companies offer seminars, full-blown training courses and others merely set-up the program and the business is then left to their own devices with the software.

'Working remotely' means employees can successfully work out of the office, but sadly at a slower pace in some cases due to complex software. It is essential for remote workers to be given simple and easy-to-use software - which is not always the case, but thankfully there are now easy-to-use products emerging on the market that are now allowing remote working to be finally fully incorporated into 21st century business!

Staging a Perfect Conference

Conferences are regarded as extremely important business events with great opportunity for people to socialise and network with one another. Some firms hold these quite frequently while others hold them annually. Staging it perfectly is extremely important since a poorly organized event can lead to negative publicity. The entire process requires months of planning as it involves managing, organizing and coordinating different activities before and after the event. To avoid hassle, the majority of companies prefer to hire the services of professionals to deal with all the aspects and details of staging a perfect conference.

Conference staging specialists handle all details of the conference including the speakers, catering and refreshments, promotion, venue, visual effects, commuting, accommodation and transportation for out-of-town delegates, equipment, and the its timings. According to conference experts the best time to start a conference is 9am with two coffee breaks during the conference. Most experts agree that the speech length of conference speakers should be limited to somewhere between 15 to 30 minutes.

The venue of the conference matters a lot, it should be easily accessible and easy to commute to, with a friendly and relaxing environment. The venue should have well-trained event staff, and good conference equipment with the latest technology and should also have leisure facilities for conference delegates. Most importantly, the visual effects of the conference should be given a lot of priority since visual effects can change the mood of the participants.

Venues that use power-point presentations with old technology are not as visually appealing as that use latest technology with animated images and elaborate set designs to keep the audience attentive and interested. Searchme4, a UK based online business directory provides a list of conference staging companies to choose from for all your conference staging needs. London Bridge Hotel, Bethel Convention Centre, Lyngford House are some of the conference centres in the UK that are listed in our directory.

For more information, visit our business directory.

Six ways to solve team conflicts in a win - win situation

At first glance, the conflict may sound negative but in fact if properly managed, it can be useful and help everyone learn and grow. Organizations that will benefit a variety of thinking people out. Studies show that heterogeneous groups are much more productive than homogeneous. If you really think about it, it makes sense. A group of people with different experiences, backgrounds and perspectives to work together will be expected to be much more efficient because the ideas are developed and alternatives are offered by exploring the many angles.

We work hard to create harmonious working environment, but even if we exactly the right, conflict may occur.All work is conflict inevitable course is, how we deal with the conflict to allow or leave the situation.lorsque conflict is managed successfully, it can ultimately work to build a better working environment and gives us the opportunity to learn about us and.

Conflict is often a bad name because we don't know how to use and to embrace their cause.lorsque conflict not properly administered is not only not his problem should be solved, but often, finally do worse .c ' understanding strategy is so important for conflict resolution.

There are some tips that can help us to manage conflicts more effectively.

(1) To avoid a natural tendency to avoid conflicts, the ugly - but only handle results in the deterioration of situation.La like a mushroom address it quickly and would increase.

(2), Let themselves to be heard to be in conflict - several times conflict is the result of a simple misunderstanding can be solved but the person/s allows you to discuss the problem. Often the same individual / s will know that listening. you need someone know that you heard.

(3) Keep the question - when addressing conflicts focus Center of the discussion about how to solve the problem on the problem and the Person.Im and ensure that there will be no personal attack.

(4) Take to resolve the conflict and listen to the emotion of the equation-, the person/s you are looking needs to meet your émotionnels.Nous but his muß.Wir aim when developing a solution remain focused on the facts and the issues that we control.

5. Look at the big picture - it the underlying problems?Is this a symptom of a larger problem?examine why this concern emerged and what changes should be taken, this conflict to prevent future costs.

(6) Using the "we" solution - remember that the resolution of conflicts, you should try a strategy where you are employee on the one hand and the question exists, in position to solve problem, to create a team.

Finally conflict brings us the opportunity to a Différent.Il perspective is the organisation of working time to deepen check often a health check in the aspects, if links not long-term team, if correctly and with an open mind are likely to corrupt an opportunity for personal and professional development .conflit can be.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bullying: Categories and patterns

Bullying is a big problem in the Western world – not only in the United States. In contrast to (some) European countries, there is still no law that protects workers from workplace United States. Bullying can verbal and physical attacks, as well as more subtle acts like devaluation of colleagues or social isolation include.

In fact, you can distinguish between five categories of bullying at work:

(1) Attacks on the possibility of contact: for example, the opportunities to speak are limited, the employee is permanently interrupted critical, permanent refusal of contact

2. Insulation: nobody speaks the employee, is he or she as excluded.

(4) Attacks on the quality of the work situation: the employee gets new, unnecessary or humiliating tasks permanently

(5) Attacks on health and financial situation: violence physical abuse that force to constitute a health hazard, create additional costs for the employee to work.

But what are the reasons for bullying in the workplace?sometimes interpersonal conflict led to bullying.. .but more often accidentally is victims in a situation where the tyrant exercises his acts of aggression.

Clubs may have several reasons, for your comportement.certains clubs threatened by a new competent colleagues their own incompetence o.d.. could discover ' others want to feel, powerful and upper - or simply confiants.Parfois plays social context a role, and often clubs have been and are even intimidated.

Important to respond E-mail in a timely manner

One of the major disadvantages of the electronic mail as a method of communication is the fact that, although some people quickly, E-mails do not others to answer. In fact you have ever sent an email to someone and then asked me if you have never happened because you receive a response in a timely manner.

Many companies have investigated this issue, and many are in need of their people carrying devices such as BlackBerry, rechtzeitig.In is real estate the answer e mail industry studies point out that the average response in the email industry is 24-72 hours, the agents trained, properly to devices such as BlackBerry, are usually emails in less than twenty minutes.De answer obviously, the earlier a person gets one the more appreciated that you feel and therefore it especially important for people who is with the public, especially in marketing, sales or civic, type stations respond to e-Mails deal.

Studies have shown that the e-Mails often largely wasted because many people is somewhat intimidated by phone and personal Kommunikation.Menschen can often feel is probably in the written submission and oral .Cependant there are several times if the E-mail speed up the process, not because the writings of communication is often poorly understood or incomplete.Oral communication is more personal, more quickly and is the possibility of misunderstandings explained.

Since face communication to face is considered the most effective, and calls, you should understand that the E-mails effectively considered less than the same text communication harmoniously.a much of this is the response rate less timely communication by E-mail.

As I recommend to consult, I, that someone respond to all E-mails as soon as possible if the answer to a question is not readily available, the answer must be that you it check and back to the investigator to respond by recipient of e-Mail on his promise as soon as possible.puis, must be followed.

If you plan to use email for anything else a casual game, it is essential, respond time efficiently opportun.Utilisation email means that you did not expect to meet, until you go to your computer, but must use a kind of personal data (EDI) device, respond faster possible.Vous be surprised will appreciate your efforts and speed as others.

The best way for a CEO will hold a talk of crisis management.

This is a moment in the organizational life that every CEO is afraid.

Some idiot takes a fire and explosions of his girlfriend in the marketing department. The organisation is in crisis and have to transfer speech "tight rope" for the victims as well as the public and at the same time providing more sensitive in your Karriere.In of a single speech concerns the image maintained where to start?

SE détendre.La crisis passed (yet!) but I can not therefore irresponsible to wait until you are in a crisis situation to explain to treat as you talk about a crisis. In addition, hear everything I could, say the time now, that I your attention here is, therefore, how to prepare and give a talk about a crisis in your organization.

You want to accomplish with your speech opt for your goal - what to do?Informing people about what happened?Peace? the other danger alert? what your goal he decide to begin to speak.

Knowing what you are saying - what you say may be limited because the police are investigating or it can personal confidential or sensitive information, the public, even in times of crisis debate be nicht.Werden can you clear, what not before can talk face to your audience.

Show concern express sympathy for those affected by the crisis as well as concerns sind.Z.B.: our thoughts and prayers are with his family and his amis.Nous have security in place, but somehow, it didn't work.Are we examine what went wrong, so we can prevent it happening to someone else.

Deploying information what happened when, where, who's responsible, was how to workaround are why, some of the questions must be received.If you not erraten.Teilen you only what some comments and think be impressive.

Tell the truth – does attempt to give that impression that you are supported and especially not mislead! journalists will find and make verfügbar.Dein people will not trust you, and a tomb, punching, would have damaged their own credibility and organization.

Enter error take charge what quickly, occurred, even if you are not sure that your organization in 1982, is Johnson and Johnson faute.En fact exactly if you cyanide capsules Tylenol extra forces seven deaths caused the United States packed be then, it seemed that you not unlawful and three months, the companies sales were almost at the level which were before the crisis.

Enter, you don't know everything especially the médias. À a crisis have all the information that this media veulent.laisser journalists know that all facts and assure you that you will share once you then keep your Word faites.Et.

With the media, Government answers to questions from the media because if you try to avoid seeking answers in places that just for you, conveniently or your organisation.Toujours step to project a positive image of yourself and your organization.

Now apply the advice above to the next time, you must speak in times of crisis, create goodwill among your employees, the media and the public.Vous will also arise among entrepreneurs in your country a sincere and caring Guide.

After the label email

Start no foot inappropriate bad e-Mail communication. People appreciate your response to these ten commandments.

(1) You use ideas and logistics or factual information expressions of feelings and sense simply e-Mail step of emotions to convey, take time for a face-to-face meeting or phone call instead of sending a courriel.Les sound, would help communicate your message and to avoid misunderstandings clay, wood and the quality of your voice.

2. Write the subject of your message to the reference line or object.Always write a short and precise what expect beneficiaries in the body of your e-Mail in the subject line description. it facilitates you to prioritize your messages and easily sort for reference also to the path of responses back and forth easily to follow future.Il. If you comply with the same people on several topics, separate the e-Mail by the corresponding topic that declared clearly in the reference line.

3 Thou shalt deal with electronic mail with the name of the desired individual. Got ever a note someone else by personal e-Mail?I have - and it is that blush me note a love! I have read half and realized for moi.De here, thought I was never know that I unless the recipient, I my name at the top to see. Muddy your messages.Always address of the recipient by name.

4. Use "Hidden copy" for E-mails that are sent to user groups. Avoid share the names of all of the group by E-mail unless a small group that a Board of Directors as a Club is closed and you know it, members were already given list name and e-Mail Adressen.E E-mail addresses must be treated as confidential.

5 That are never transferred a chain letter indicating if you do or do something in a certain time, never change your life würde.Es is pleasant to promote change a person, but you make use of the menaces.Si really need, send the letter to others, delete threatening language.If you do not do excommunicated Hall of good manners.

6 And you shall use "Receipts" only when it is imperative that you know the receiver.Create unnecessary not useless emails with this tool senden.Es can irritate people.

7 And thou shalt case, upper and lower cases and appropriate e-Mail like all other written communications punctuation showed verwenden.Studien that if people read a text written in all capital or lowercase letters, it takes more time to read a lot and understand a Nachricht.Verwenden making a normal way.

8. She will close your E-mail warm words that show that the sender fully available is. exit to close line around your électronique.Laissez mail on your automatic signature, its recipients to know, that in fact a real person is a message send.

"" 9. Minimize, compress or "zip" attach large files before sending. """Zip" investments in amount of 200 000 bytes before électronique.Des send files via E-mail fields can e-mail someone causing another mail to rebondir.Ils require an extra long for recipients download information in some areas.

10 Thou shalt 24 heures.Si, offer still no answer, answer e-Mail allows someone for a day the sender white instant answers Reçu.envoi keeps you updated and organized to answer in your E-mail correspondence e mail.

4 Tips to improve your business skills, written communications

Written communication skills are necessary to succeed in your job. If the question is – how to improve the effectiveness of written communication? You need to be exact, and your message should be concise.

Here 4 tips are written, effective so that you can pass your message in a memo, an e-Mail or a successful business letter.

Tip 1 - Select the stationary correctly.
Seriously be written business communication better on your stationery business übertragen.Dies means that your business letter printed and written on paper, letterhead is memos and other forms of communication.

If send other business information by e-Mail that add your company logo on your discretion message.Utilisez how contain address, contact numbers, address, etc. on your message to receive by E-mail.

Tip 2 - use of plain text.
Avoid words complexes.Utiliser simple words and short phrases for your short communication and developed.

Use the jargon on pathways, as if to discuss a failure of the system and the recipient of the E-mail for technical support.

Letters on your message passes are destinataire.ainsi Cree, just avoid lock.

Tip 3 - message well structured.
A well structured message has an introduction, body, and then a conclusion, preferably a paragraph each.

They talk about the aim of the communication in the introduction section.

Specify the details in the section body, therefore it would perhaps be most of a paragraphe.Mais, attempting to limit all communication to a single page.

Wrap you with a summary and a call to action in the call to action conclusion.Une means you call questions you or respond to your communications by the recipient.

Tip 4 - correction.
Your written communication skills significantly carefully can improve, if you remember before it send your communication.Lire proofreading and tool in your E-mail or your word processor using spell check to correct mistakes.

Spelling or grammar make a bad impression on your professional errors, especially if it is written in affaires. You trust are wanton bug in simple questions like someone that you are careful in other aspects of your work?

With these tips, you will learn how to improve the effectiveness of written communication.