Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Six ways to solve team conflicts in a win - win situation

At first glance, the conflict may sound negative but in fact if properly managed, it can be useful and help everyone learn and grow. Organizations that will benefit a variety of thinking people out. Studies show that heterogeneous groups are much more productive than homogeneous. If you really think about it, it makes sense. A group of people with different experiences, backgrounds and perspectives to work together will be expected to be much more efficient because the ideas are developed and alternatives are offered by exploring the many angles.

We work hard to create harmonious working environment, but even if we exactly the right, conflict may occur.All work is conflict inevitable course is, how we deal with the conflict to allow or leave the situation.lorsque conflict is managed successfully, it can ultimately work to build a better working environment and gives us the opportunity to learn about us and.

Conflict is often a bad name because we don't know how to use and to embrace their cause.lorsque conflict not properly administered is not only not his problem should be solved, but often, finally do worse .c ' understanding strategy is so important for conflict resolution.

There are some tips that can help us to manage conflicts more effectively.

(1) To avoid a natural tendency to avoid conflicts, the ugly - but only handle results in the deterioration of situation.La like a mushroom address it quickly and would increase.

(2), Let themselves to be heard to be in conflict - several times conflict is the result of a simple misunderstanding can be solved but the person/s allows you to discuss the problem. Often the same individual / s will know that listening. you need someone know that you heard.

(3) Keep the question - when addressing conflicts focus Center of the discussion about how to solve the problem on the problem and the Person.Im and ensure that there will be no personal attack.

(4) Take to resolve the conflict and listen to the emotion of the equation-, the person/s you are looking needs to meet your émotionnels.Nous but his muß.Wir aim when developing a solution remain focused on the facts and the issues that we control.

5. Look at the big picture - it the underlying problems?Is this a symptom of a larger problem?examine why this concern emerged and what changes should be taken, this conflict to prevent future costs.

(6) Using the "we" solution - remember that the resolution of conflicts, you should try a strategy where you are employee on the one hand and the question exists, in position to solve problem, to create a team.

Finally conflict brings us the opportunity to a Différent.Il perspective is the organisation of working time to deepen check often a health check in the aspects, if links not long-term team, if correctly and with an open mind are likely to corrupt an opportunity for personal and professional development .conflit can be.

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