Monday, October 25, 2010

Bullying: Categories and patterns

Bullying is a big problem in the Western world – not only in the United States. In contrast to (some) European countries, there is still no law that protects workers from workplace United States. Bullying can verbal and physical attacks, as well as more subtle acts like devaluation of colleagues or social isolation include.

In fact, you can distinguish between five categories of bullying at work:

(1) Attacks on the possibility of contact: for example, the opportunities to speak are limited, the employee is permanently interrupted critical, permanent refusal of contact

2. Insulation: nobody speaks the employee, is he or she as excluded.

(4) Attacks on the quality of the work situation: the employee gets new, unnecessary or humiliating tasks permanently

(5) Attacks on health and financial situation: violence physical abuse that force to constitute a health hazard, create additional costs for the employee to work.

But what are the reasons for bullying in the workplace?sometimes interpersonal conflict led to bullying.. .but more often accidentally is victims in a situation where the tyrant exercises his acts of aggression.

Clubs may have several reasons, for your comportement.certains clubs threatened by a new competent colleagues their own incompetence o.d.. could discover ' others want to feel, powerful and upper - or simply confiants.Parfois plays social context a role, and often clubs have been and are even intimidated.

Important to respond E-mail in a timely manner

One of the major disadvantages of the electronic mail as a method of communication is the fact that, although some people quickly, E-mails do not others to answer. In fact you have ever sent an email to someone and then asked me if you have never happened because you receive a response in a timely manner.

Many companies have investigated this issue, and many are in need of their people carrying devices such as BlackBerry, rechtzeitig.In is real estate the answer e mail industry studies point out that the average response in the email industry is 24-72 hours, the agents trained, properly to devices such as BlackBerry, are usually emails in less than twenty minutes.De answer obviously, the earlier a person gets one the more appreciated that you feel and therefore it especially important for people who is with the public, especially in marketing, sales or civic, type stations respond to e-Mails deal.

Studies have shown that the e-Mails often largely wasted because many people is somewhat intimidated by phone and personal Kommunikation.Menschen can often feel is probably in the written submission and oral .Cependant there are several times if the E-mail speed up the process, not because the writings of communication is often poorly understood or incomplete.Oral communication is more personal, more quickly and is the possibility of misunderstandings explained.

Since face communication to face is considered the most effective, and calls, you should understand that the E-mails effectively considered less than the same text communication harmoniously.a much of this is the response rate less timely communication by E-mail.

As I recommend to consult, I, that someone respond to all E-mails as soon as possible if the answer to a question is not readily available, the answer must be that you it check and back to the investigator to respond by recipient of e-Mail on his promise as soon as possible.puis, must be followed.

If you plan to use email for anything else a casual game, it is essential, respond time efficiently opportun.Utilisation email means that you did not expect to meet, until you go to your computer, but must use a kind of personal data (EDI) device, respond faster possible.Vous be surprised will appreciate your efforts and speed as others.

The best way for a CEO will hold a talk of crisis management.

This is a moment in the organizational life that every CEO is afraid.

Some idiot takes a fire and explosions of his girlfriend in the marketing department. The organisation is in crisis and have to transfer speech "tight rope" for the victims as well as the public and at the same time providing more sensitive in your Karriere.In of a single speech concerns the image maintained where to start?

SE détendre.La crisis passed (yet!) but I can not therefore irresponsible to wait until you are in a crisis situation to explain to treat as you talk about a crisis. In addition, hear everything I could, say the time now, that I your attention here is, therefore, how to prepare and give a talk about a crisis in your organization.

You want to accomplish with your speech opt for your goal - what to do?Informing people about what happened?Peace? the other danger alert? what your goal he decide to begin to speak.

Knowing what you are saying - what you say may be limited because the police are investigating or it can personal confidential or sensitive information, the public, even in times of crisis debate be nicht.Werden can you clear, what not before can talk face to your audience.

Show concern express sympathy for those affected by the crisis as well as concerns sind.Z.B.: our thoughts and prayers are with his family and his amis.Nous have security in place, but somehow, it didn't work.Are we examine what went wrong, so we can prevent it happening to someone else.

Deploying information what happened when, where, who's responsible, was how to workaround are why, some of the questions must be received.If you not erraten.Teilen you only what some comments and think be impressive.

Tell the truth – does attempt to give that impression that you are supported and especially not mislead! journalists will find and make verfügbar.Dein people will not trust you, and a tomb, punching, would have damaged their own credibility and organization.

Enter error take charge what quickly, occurred, even if you are not sure that your organization in 1982, is Johnson and Johnson faute.En fact exactly if you cyanide capsules Tylenol extra forces seven deaths caused the United States packed be then, it seemed that you not unlawful and three months, the companies sales were almost at the level which were before the crisis.

Enter, you don't know everything especially the médias. À a crisis have all the information that this media veulent.laisser journalists know that all facts and assure you that you will share once you then keep your Word faites.Et.

With the media, Government answers to questions from the media because if you try to avoid seeking answers in places that just for you, conveniently or your organisation.Toujours step to project a positive image of yourself and your organization.

Now apply the advice above to the next time, you must speak in times of crisis, create goodwill among your employees, the media and the public.Vous will also arise among entrepreneurs in your country a sincere and caring Guide.

After the label email

Start no foot inappropriate bad e-Mail communication. People appreciate your response to these ten commandments.

(1) You use ideas and logistics or factual information expressions of feelings and sense simply e-Mail step of emotions to convey, take time for a face-to-face meeting or phone call instead of sending a courriel.Les sound, would help communicate your message and to avoid misunderstandings clay, wood and the quality of your voice.

2. Write the subject of your message to the reference line or object.Always write a short and precise what expect beneficiaries in the body of your e-Mail in the subject line description. it facilitates you to prioritize your messages and easily sort for reference also to the path of responses back and forth easily to follow future.Il. If you comply with the same people on several topics, separate the e-Mail by the corresponding topic that declared clearly in the reference line.

3 Thou shalt deal with electronic mail with the name of the desired individual. Got ever a note someone else by personal e-Mail?I have - and it is that blush me note a love! I have read half and realized for moi.De here, thought I was never know that I unless the recipient, I my name at the top to see. Muddy your messages.Always address of the recipient by name.

4. Use "Hidden copy" for E-mails that are sent to user groups. Avoid share the names of all of the group by E-mail unless a small group that a Board of Directors as a Club is closed and you know it, members were already given list name and e-Mail Adressen.E E-mail addresses must be treated as confidential.

5 That are never transferred a chain letter indicating if you do or do something in a certain time, never change your life würde.Es is pleasant to promote change a person, but you make use of the menaces.Si really need, send the letter to others, delete threatening language.If you do not do excommunicated Hall of good manners.

6 And you shall use "Receipts" only when it is imperative that you know the receiver.Create unnecessary not useless emails with this tool senden.Es can irritate people.

7 And thou shalt case, upper and lower cases and appropriate e-Mail like all other written communications punctuation showed verwenden.Studien that if people read a text written in all capital or lowercase letters, it takes more time to read a lot and understand a Nachricht.Verwenden making a normal way.

8. She will close your E-mail warm words that show that the sender fully available is. exit to close line around your électronique.Laissez mail on your automatic signature, its recipients to know, that in fact a real person is a message send.

"" 9. Minimize, compress or "zip" attach large files before sending. """Zip" investments in amount of 200 000 bytes before électronique.Des send files via E-mail fields can e-mail someone causing another mail to rebondir.Ils require an extra long for recipients download information in some areas.

10 Thou shalt 24 heures.Si, offer still no answer, answer e-Mail allows someone for a day the sender white instant answers Reçu.envoi keeps you updated and organized to answer in your E-mail correspondence e mail.

4 Tips to improve your business skills, written communications

Written communication skills are necessary to succeed in your job. If the question is – how to improve the effectiveness of written communication? You need to be exact, and your message should be concise.

Here 4 tips are written, effective so that you can pass your message in a memo, an e-Mail or a successful business letter.

Tip 1 - Select the stationary correctly.
Seriously be written business communication better on your stationery business übertragen.Dies means that your business letter printed and written on paper, letterhead is memos and other forms of communication.

If send other business information by e-Mail that add your company logo on your discretion message.Utilisez how contain address, contact numbers, address, etc. on your message to receive by E-mail.

Tip 2 - use of plain text.
Avoid words complexes.Utiliser simple words and short phrases for your short communication and developed.

Use the jargon on pathways, as if to discuss a failure of the system and the recipient of the E-mail for technical support.

Letters on your message passes are destinataire.ainsi Cree, just avoid lock.

Tip 3 - message well structured.
A well structured message has an introduction, body, and then a conclusion, preferably a paragraph each.

They talk about the aim of the communication in the introduction section.

Specify the details in the section body, therefore it would perhaps be most of a paragraphe.Mais, attempting to limit all communication to a single page.

Wrap you with a summary and a call to action in the call to action conclusion.Une means you call questions you or respond to your communications by the recipient.

Tip 4 - correction.
Your written communication skills significantly carefully can improve, if you remember before it send your communication.Lire proofreading and tool in your E-mail or your word processor using spell check to correct mistakes.

Spelling or grammar make a bad impression on your professional errors, especially if it is written in affaires. You trust are wanton bug in simple questions like someone that you are careful in other aspects of your work?

With these tips, you will learn how to improve the effectiveness of written communication.