Sunday, November 7, 2010

Communication from the dynamics of meetings

Organizations are composed of negotiations on relations of the cat. These relationships are never static, but are constantly negotiated and the new. Although the people in your organization have established roles and responsibilities and these features some of these positions during the negotiations, the positions of power within the Organization consistently claimed custody power and redefined. Therefore, energy that can be defined as the capacity from success and take command of the action is a success, partly to negotiate relationships by conversation. Energy, for example, a relationship is never static but was created and for the ongoing discussions and negotiations.

Say, to defend and strengthen the position of power in relationships, method people usually powers outside itself. It may rely on the authority of the other their Office, their experience, the experience of the other technical experience, statistics, their association with the authority and a multitude of strategies to increase their ability to swing the negotiations in their favour. A typical strategy is to call the will, in the form of a document or picture that may result from the conversation.This conversation is during the day, in each of the settings within the Organization, but also often critical moments in which the outcome of the negotiations set course for future negotiations on relationships, and some currently in critical moments are those the regular meetings of key players in the organisation .the result of the meeting can be determined that the participants were able to successfully call a meeting of the loans to and strength of new relationships or territorial put in order to succeed.

Discussion of the analysis of the record of the meeting, you can view the shifts of power from one group to another.meetings are held alternately command performance, call seek to strengthen the status, challenges and defensive positions.procedures of the forces, discussion, but also to the use of materials, speeches and other methods than the non-verbal actions that affect the negotiations on the execution of this conversation, interlaced and offset energy can be established working relationships.

The negotiations usually meeting, can be quite natural and convivial.mais, in spite of this environment, it is useful to know how the meeting will descend and flows, and to be informed about the tactics utilisées.Cette consciousness to analysis techniques can increase your success in the negotiations.

Significantly improve the productivity of simple habits

Recent research shows that the average American worker receives 200 emails a day. Some people think that, far from their coffee break. Effective treatment of electronic mail is the key to increasing the level of personal productivity. It also allows more than time for the best things to do.

You perhaps already will be automatically when you select your ville.sinon value it partner now!

Here are two of the proposals to strengthen your electronic communications.

1 Determine if you have a signature.à signature, it will be possible to get a message like, "taking into account the current work load I have only e-mail checking every 4 hours if there is an emergency, please contact the."[...] ", make sure that you have an alternative method to know your company, it is probably preferable to provide a telephone number."

If you use these individuals in the State of the "situation" to someone else in your company, make sure that this person is thereby.

There is now a very effective tool for structuring, most e-mail messages.

(2) If by electronic mail on the work of the project or client personnel Setup (structure) prevents you soon e-mail drama.

The structure of the e-mail message, the spelling of the several options is most effective.goes as follows: If you agree, if you do not agree, we have the x, you can expect from the menu options.

For example, if you need to meet face to face, only 2 are alternatives.

If someone asks for permission to set the parameters in the action and respond to e-mail with two options, or perhaps 3.pour avoid unnecessary, writing back and forth.

There are two simple ways to increase your financial means Communication électronique.Lorsque the most convenient thing is simply select is always and reactive response, but help you your life in General.

(E) - for example, I recently sent someone for the current marketing project I wrote that X is expected to occur at a specific date, and if not, when and axis y. in addition, visit your Office on the date of the current q, as this would not be appropriate, a proposal was sent to a date and time of the meeting of alternate.

You can E-mail to absorb hours take your journée.une proactive approach and make better use of their time.

Presentation of the society to carry out their business skills councils

To create a niche for themselves in their profession, information about understanding. Once you know how to communicate in a nutshell, you're halfway on the road to success. As a professional to test your communication skills whenever you must specify a corporate overview. Read and learn how to use the art of the presentation, you can control.

The first step is the presentation of the activities that the listener to understand:

The content on the theme of the presentation of in-depth research. This will help you to create a structured presentation that allows to respond to questions, you can ask the audience. "business planning is a good idea to ask the audience."stick to the expression of something on your présentation.peut not always be for more details, if you want to add a few extra minutes. Will you lose time and ultimately the audience confused.

Start practicing after the first working version. Ask comments from friends or colleagues and modified accordingly.

D - day leads to the following when you give a presentation tips:

Your slide show start position taking position (sitting or standing), facing the audience. If you position. should be your body language, facial, pleasant and smiling expression or not before starting the eye contact with anyone to clarify the use of the presentation.hands or keep hanging on the side to prevent displacement.legs on the other.weight of the body on two pieds.votre confidence in your presentation and Mannerism in the case where you feel absolutely as before Practicing.d day help to themselves to feel confidence.Keep your neck of the colony, on the lips, the frequent use of words and lines "OK", "you can see the", "I want to say" the end "Ah" and "unh" and etc. communication media stick to the language best French, presentation .c ' is a good deal to avoid using slang or dialects régionaux.commande delivery - and the language must be clear, speak slowly and softness, to avoid confusion in the public.Cela allows communication between you and the public.

There are a few best practices to improve your skills of présentation.pratiquant this advice presentation to improve your presentation skills and help you communicate more effectively.