Thursday, November 4, 2010

It is time that we have learned how to write well

If you have a slightly older 40 or you have lived at the time where changes faster and more extraordinary in the history of humanity. Travel in anticipation of our younger generation is even more dramatic. I do not think, however, that we have all the benefits of an important things often other incredible progress during the journey. "We have to go hiking with our friends, spend more time with our children and have a problem with write thank you notes were written specific persons who would otherwise have remained" received by "." Unfortunately, however, the loss of more people to write well. And if you're busy, fear, mangrove, because now the pen writing it because of the lack of use, there is always an email! To solve the problem? Little. Here's why:

I am worried over how ineffective the superb new communication tool is used. Programs such as Outlook, are practically packed for us a gift. You must be seriously challenged do electronically cannot the basics how to use it. You can monitor the progress of e-dialog simply the response to the messaging and the ability to dismiss the message sender, it is best to copy the following the alarming number of folk!ignore this obvious functionality! if my sense of AWE on this and other parts of the Sloppy habits which are popular email database are summarized that wisely.

* Send to e-mail recipients. If you use the CC (copy) or copy an ICC (blind carbon copy) other carefully.Think on how to display address for each recipient that you copied, if you like, then I don't want feel you like one of the people, even if newsletter! if you meet someone who is a CC would the world be very careful "reply to all".Ask yourself if necessary.
* Using the object of this first thing, is that the recipient can voir.Si you have received a forwarded only 24 hours and return to normal 149 + emails in their Inbox, read your topic is not clear that it is.
* Use the salvation. Dear John, Hello Hello Ann, George, or only the name of the person are greeting forms are all acceptable in the context of the message.
* The answer by clicking on the button "answer", you can create a new email every time!in this way, you can create and continue conversation via email.
Get the habit to use when checking spelling (located under the "Tools") j. ' tried on a car for a period of time, but in the end, or do you want to check out the mother of today may have written, so I gave, get accustomed to interrogate a... Most of us, men and women in search of a large number of typing on the keyboard, it is linked to a half a dozen "finger problems" spelling errors on e-mail.the majority of them for you.
* Please do not add all email with caps lock and shouting beneficiaries, as against them!
* Your email address is clarity members.When it is divided into bits.Folk tend to read long epitaphs
* If you are angry with the email of the person, you can save as a draft and send delayed until tomorrow. If you read the following day, as if you're low bénéficiaire.Tons by clicking the right prévu.tout appears disproportionately enregistrés.Après sending, it is too late, you cannot resume that you wrote.
* Please do not send attachments, unnecessarily in particular where the files are large.If you want to get people large files or zip is the first to WinZip (visit or contact address.bandwidth is an issue, but many served automatically lock attachment.
Connect with signature and make sure that your phone to create your own signature, if you have a folder Inbox sent items or Inbox, record number point to tools, options, format, and then "signature" of mail.the signature, it was relatively simple, you do not want that you are the "Priscilla Queen of the desert" - all fresh even in the event that you have!
* How will be know that you have your important e-mail?Click reply and write something like: "Thank you obtained your email return you x days and hours."Greetings, And"Simple, point and morality.(It is not necessary that you have enabled the ballots).
* For reading your email address, change the window size so that your eyes can easily follow the règles.moins phrases are much easier to read.
* Do not perform his reputation is a fairly strange Junkie.juste jokes corker select as many but sent the cluster banal last of any database every hour to ensure that your goods are automatically deleted, and the value of all communication is reduced.
* This is several years after I left school, that I finally understand that English is by far the most important issue that I studied (followed by a mathematics). ability to communicate in the language of # 1 the planet what international is your Passport to freedom .c ' is one of the best ways to learn how to write a good read. ensure you that your children to understand and promote their reading (books) for at least half an hour per day.

And the last mot.Il is not that I'm writing this article is for vous.vous know all these things .c ' is for all people, you're crazy, you must read, but you know, of course...

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