Monday, November 1, 2010

How to criticize employers, colleagues and subordinates

Regardless of their position will be the time you want to ask someone to change the way in which to act and behave. Several factors can affect what you say and how say you it is a factor, the position of the person. In other words, you can take a different when approach the critique, as your child a parent.

But at least the possibility of cooperation, someone else may be based on how effectively specify you your what you want and you can describe, the effectiveness of the importance of what you want these four methods provide options that change effectively discuss with all the world in the workplace:

Booth: Child boss
Access: describe the expectations and the application of an agreement

"Tanya, I am sure that the participants of the Conference would discuss our articles have been because they do not provide the necessary equipment in time (action) .let this information cannot be provided information that we have immediately (the importance of the action) .for future negotiations, I would like to thank you for submitting documents to all participants during the week preceding the meeting (action)."I count on to make in the future (request)?"

Booth: Boss for children, a colleague to colleague
Access: describe the expectations and request feedback on improving the efficiency of

"Tanya, I am sure that the participants of the Conference would discuss our articles have been because they do not provide the necessary equipment in time (action) .Sans this information you do provide us the details we must immediately (the importance of the action) .Que do you think that you could do more in the future, participants are to be compiled (for requests input on how to improve performance)?

Booth: Boss for children, a colleague to colleague
Access: offer advice and the application for admission to this specific notice.

"Tanya, I am sure that the participants of the Conference would discuss our articles have been because they do not provide the necessary equipment in time (action)."without this information, you do give us the details we must immediately (the importance of the action).In the future, you can try to send materials per week during our meetings (requested action) in this way, participants have the time to display items and prepare (the importance of the action).that you think (ask for membership on the Council to improve performance)?»

Booth: Child-boss, colleagues, boss, colleague children
Access: insert the personal experience and advice.

"Tanya, I am sure that the participants of the Conference would discuss our articles have been because they do not provide the necessary equipment in time (action) .let this information you do provide us details we must immediately (the importance of the action) if I have more of the Conference brought together, I find it useful to have the material about a week before the meeting (required). do you think will help more people in the preparation of the future (request for an opinion on the personal experience)?

Critical access can be the difference

Access, you can criticize people determine if the response is positive, negative or anything it does pas.Et even if it cannot not guarantee that people react positively to the criticism of the will, the amount of negativity can be minimized by using different approaches, different situations and for different personnes.les approaches described in this article for the next time that you intend to criticize you, your colleagues or consider the underlying purposesyou will be pleasantly surprised results!

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