Sometimes, you need to say "no", at the request or the idea. Of course, in the ideal case, you can do to ensure that the person is not considered as such. This is especially true if you need your cooperation. If what you say? Try these three approaches:
The only access agreement:
1. the status of the user
2 Please give what you can negotiate with
3. to request the consent of the
"Robert, I understand that you want to use a format that you are designing to make their information (location of the user) .this numbers are important, and I agree, that should be included (which you agree) .the report is, we must all use the same format for the moment is, you are ready to respond your figures included with us at the moment (agreement you can with the help of questions)?
Approval and disapproval of access.
1. the status of the user
2 Please give what you can negotiate with
3 Please indicate that you agree with the
4 apply the agreement on what is possible with the support of
"Robert, I understand that you want to use a format that you are designing to make their information (rather than someone else), these data are important, and I am in agreement, which should be included (which you agree)." a report, I agree with us, using the format (step can agree with), we need to use the same format, now that you're ready to your figures included with us at the moment (agreement you can with the help of questions)?»
Access win - win and compromise:
1. the status of the user
2 Please give what you can negotiate with
3 Please indicate that you agree with the
4 offers a win-win compromise position
5 the compromise agreement issues
"Robert, I understand that you want to use a format that you are designing to make their information (location of the user) .this numbers are important, and I am in agreement, that should be included (which you agree) .the report concerns, I am in agreement with us, using the format (step may agree with) .Cependant, I am ready the new format at the next meeting for a more thorough with members of our team (threat) .you are ready to speak your figures included with us at this time (question to the agreement on a compromise)"? ".
Let people know that their ideas of interest
Rarely is easy to say 'no'.C' is particularly the case when someone says you really odbýt the problème.Il is therefore important that people know that you understand their problem, although you can find "no", at their request, these three methods of.provide options to let people know that they are considered as their position, even if they are not prepared to accord temps.Et when people know their ideas are being considered, it is more likely to cooperate with your idea or at least steps to try and sabotage your idea.