Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to stop your boss in one sentence

Now, I would like to begin by saying this post from the parent is not all the mean bad, that we are in the country, I'm good, you have the right, OK? But it should be noted, sometimes (with) goes on a bit! It is good that we help to save time and shorten the conversation a little. I am sure that you get my drift! Transactional analysis is called for good reason. If we look at how two people communicate and distribute to all a single transaction to update what it takes to go there, we call it the transactional analysis. This report refers to the outline in various ways, where we operate and how we use this information for the management of transactions, we have.

What you need to manage, you can ask? If you understand how we communicate with others, you have the power to restore requests, so I love or is dead in their tracks. You want to track a conversation with this attractive girl/guy at the party?No problem!, climbed on his head, so you do not have certain work? rules and your wishes come TRUE!

The first homework, if you read the post isn't ego States and I urged to part 1 go today, whereas to understand that I speak here you must have a knowledge base that ego State.implementation? good! you have my permission to read...

Now the definition.

Of the transaction.

"The States of an exchange of blows between two people, composed of motivation and the reaction between special ego".(Woollams and Brown, 1978)

Eric Berne come rules we helps to understand that we may communicate with each other transactions in different ways to keep your.thinking cap and let's look more closely the following rules:

When transactions are free, you can go to indéterminée.Ce duration that is accomplished, I mean?"when we talk to someone, our mother State of ego that we are able to invite them to meet their child ego u.s. State ' they are well and good, it can call the interval progrès.dans, parent-child window without a change in the State, both sides of the call can go infinitely ego it appears that...."

A "sitting in the seat.

(B) - "I want to."

And, "will you do if you have, he said.

(B)-' are you still learn I was nothing.»

A "no answer me back cheeky boy."

Etc., etc., etc.

Why is it useful? If you are in a situation where you friends or to read more about that to keep your transactions if they invite responses for adults meet your adult. Coming from the child to play with them and come from childhood .you are likely to have on this route and have friendly feelings towards the other person.

If the transaction is not a call so that, if before.Jenny asks "How are you and they reply", why should you give? "Not really somewhere that you can go without a parts move request has exceeded the ego State."adults with children answer game the same in the following example:

Pete - the "late you once more!"a better time!»(Contrôle_de_la_mère_et_répondant_l'enfant_à_l'invitation)

Paul-"how I dare not speak to me that she never shout me?" new!"(Parent reaction control)

It is likely that in this example, Pete would have been quite surprised and probably do not know how réagir.Il would have to reassess the situation and either change child ego State (perhaps unfortunately) or the news in the parent in both cases, the interview will be shut down and start stutter way.

Why is it useful to know the?If you call close cross-border transactions, you want to just receive.don't forget that you can apply for faire.votre relationship with the person to whom you speak, will likely suffer.exception: when you click on the transaction with the addresses of intimacy .action atmosphere commands are very useful for the dong and the privacy of another person to invite .the key of this leading to stop if you get an advance for the rant, just cross the transaction and confusing plot on his face - but be careful, it is a rapid procedure to queue top wait!

Unspoken transactions is a psychological report is heard. underlying transactions when say you one thing but means another, another message is ramassée.un example is the "allow coffee?" after a night in a new invitation partenaire.Cette can be in the discussion, the richness of the bitter (unless you're Tom Hanks in "Gros").

Retailers are on the use of the underlying transactions."It is very expensive, it is an excellent way to end the sale of clients who have a problem with the appearance good marché.Vous hear more later"prohibitive"and the child, the purchase of goods to demonstrate that it can respond.

Why is it useful? if someone uses the single child of transaction report power and feel popular .c ' is your intuition in permissions you listen to your intuition, can help you do things that are against interest if you are a reseller, you can use this procedure to other widgets to sell ethical, but Hein?

Know that the three lines of communication can help dramatically get it our messages to other personnes.nous allow power to terminate calls to communicate, that we do not want to go and success with other relations.

The value of enterprise communication

It is very important the value of the communication on the basis of success in business. Without communication, you can contact the different layers and levels that are actually in each type of activity. Communication is the way in which the complete range of persons and entities that are not part of the company. Business strategy can be something this good produced by persons who are members of the organization or a small team, but this certainly requires vision and expresses the idea of a platform where you can customize and explain to people who don't share our vision and should not include both things on.

It is not only for communication with people who are not part of the Organization, what is really important, the idea is converted and understandable for the user, who has become an integral part of the whole of the system itself.any form of bad and should have the opportunity to obtain the misunderstanding after good communication on this subject can be effectuée.Cela can in no way that you ignore.

Sort of a dynamic organization or a company of communication is used to improve the possibilities and creates the space for the interaction of people as employees in the Organization, it is also used with the mode of teaching and education of the people and the negotiations took place offers seamless communication lisse.vous gives the motivation to work and work in the public interest, because it is really a very responsible for the design of reports on different levels.A great platform for innovation.

People feel and the courage to speak of ideas your organization really possible to move .Lorsqu ' communication is not supported or better that people prefer accommodation separately and problems would stack up unattended after a very long period.

Accommodation for the competition is a tool for communication is of fundamental importance for confidence.acts and problem solving are very important.for each type of business, it is important to understand that would remain in place behave as a reactionary. multitasking, it would be very beneficial for the employee and the Organization of the show.

Good communication is a sign that business is doing well, and even in the event that this is step so, then one can doubt comes at the time of the crisis and the good times strive .c ' is a good way to attract customers and clients, as well as its affiliates, which are crucial for the functioning of society.

Forms of communication is greatly amélioré.Maintenant if anyone problem are stored in communication with senior colleagues and subordinates and e-mail letters and faxes can provide solutions to the problème.Il is important to understand the clarity of ideas, but you receive the message the second platform is not so important.

Office Etiquette

These relationships often help to facilitate work getting done by the use of informal networks, and the like. However, there are some things to watch for when dealing with work "friends":

Just like elementary school, there are workplace bullies, gossips, hangers-on, and snitches. Sadly, this behavior never changes. Be cautious about these types of people.If you find yourself in the "in" group, and it turns out that the "in" group is keeping many others out, belittling, or unfairly criticize others, think about leaving this group - it's nothing more than a schoolyard clique and eventually, someone will bring it down. You don't want to be brought down with them.Always be friendly to everyone - even if you aren't close. It's surprising how many people look favorably upon someone who is always friendly, even if they don't know them well. The old adage that "perception is reality" is in play here in a positive way. You might learn a lot about things you didn't know by associating and being friendly with a wide group of people, and you'll have more people to turn to for your own favors, if you need them.The most important advice is to really know who your office friends really are. In the ever-shifting political sands of the workplace, confiding your secrets, hopes, desires, dreams, reservations, and dislikes to someone who you think is your friend and who turns out otherwise by betraying you could spell disaster for your job, and even for your career. Tread very carefully and be sure people are your friends before you get too chummy with them.With all co-workers, friends or not, remember to always stay professional while at work or at any work-related function.

Now, go enjoy your work related friends, tell an appropriate for the workplace joke, ask someone join you for lunch, and have fun.

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