Often, you need to learn to deal with difficult over the phone, people because it is the work to be performed. Know how to treat them effectively is to understand on borders: your apply.
1 stay quiet
Inflame the situation as if you are angry, and to help you., which are safe at the end of the telephone line would not feel threatened or defence.
2 Listen to them
People are often difficult to the phone, because I don't know how well their points, or due to doubts about the validity of what they are asking you to do so.
You only know what you can do to others, if actively listen and you ensure that you understand what the person said.vent emotions and to obtain the system will also, if you listen to.
You must be particularly careful to listen on the phone to distinguish the means because it is not picking up all initiatives outside of the nonverbal, which helps you to understand the meaning.
3 allow to say that they must
Je n'ai pas is interrupted, please keep in mind, on the other side of the phone and is not a direct threat to you.for this reason, may not be a problem in the sky.
If you try to obtain, is cut, or perhaps to listen, you only disappoint their extra and constructive communication more difficult.
4 to maintain the integrity of the
No matter how offensive or difficult people to call phone, receiving are not at this level.indicate how you want to help, but which may be offensive and disrespectful is not tolerated.
5 be sensitive
Try yourself in the shoes of someone else and comments from their point of view, it has been confirmed by your feelings.and tell them that understand you how they feel, as usual, however, does not help, or attend to feel the same way.
6. the question of the
Really sensitive, you'll need to understand people and situations in which they find themselves .c ' is why it is necessary to request that you really understand the situation.
It is often a person on the phone are purely because you don't understand the problem.
7. the search for a solution
Once you understand the situation, we recommend that you move into the solution.jamais promise to resolve the issue, while this may actually pas.Cependant, you say that you'll be best to resolve them.
Often if you believe that you do this, you can help the anger and the obstinacy of a difficult person.
8 Sorry, if applicable
Error that sometimes you the right for a person to the téléphone.Si you really sorry to say that you can do and are a great help to less make their behavior towards you.
9. to obtain approval from your solution.
The solution is only, else if it is satisfied with the result résultat.Par don't try of the solution.Il is manufactured.
10. If all else fails
You can always go to the bottom of the phone not only to low slam did explain this cours.vous finished is possible and it is your responsibility to termine.Il is not ideal, but it can be your best and only option.
Therefore, even if you are outside the non-verbal cues until, you'll learn how to deal with difficult people on the calm téléphone.seulement and be clear on what limits and responsibility.
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