Sunday, November 7, 2010

Significantly improve the productivity of simple habits

Recent research shows that the average American worker receives 200 emails a day. Some people think that, far from their coffee break. Effective treatment of electronic mail is the key to increasing the level of personal productivity. It also allows more than time for the best things to do.

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Here are two of the proposals to strengthen your electronic communications.

1 Determine if you have a signature.à signature, it will be possible to get a message like, "taking into account the current work load I have only e-mail checking every 4 hours if there is an emergency, please contact the."[...] ", make sure that you have an alternative method to know your company, it is probably preferable to provide a telephone number."

If you use these individuals in the State of the "situation" to someone else in your company, make sure that this person is thereby.

There is now a very effective tool for structuring, most e-mail messages.

(2) If by electronic mail on the work of the project or client personnel Setup (structure) prevents you soon e-mail drama.

The structure of the e-mail message, the spelling of the several options is most effective.goes as follows: If you agree, if you do not agree, we have the x, you can expect from the menu options.

For example, if you need to meet face to face, only 2 are alternatives.

If someone asks for permission to set the parameters in the action and respond to e-mail with two options, or perhaps 3.pour avoid unnecessary, writing back and forth.

There are two simple ways to increase your financial means Communication électronique.Lorsque the most convenient thing is simply select is always and reactive response, but help you your life in General.

(E) - for example, I recently sent someone for the current marketing project I wrote that X is expected to occur at a specific date, and if not, when and axis y. in addition, visit your Office on the date of the current q, as this would not be appropriate, a proposal was sent to a date and time of the meeting of alternate.

You can E-mail to absorb hours take your journée.une proactive approach and make better use of their time.

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