'Alternative methods of made thought convergence must use actions for robust solutions.
or in other words...
Discover these ideas as your most productive meetings.
(1) Change the location of the
If you frequently use the same group of people to see where you are?Have the same chair each meeting which led to the weighing of life: speech "The three bears syndrome" (which is my seat)!
The problem is that this also means that the mentality of the will of the people not likely changer.donc if you're a quieter people in a group, the stock market can help resolve in the seats of the contributions.
Think about the meeting, where there is little movement in the classroom: as soon as you have your position or position of the table will also think more freely u.s. ' there is a possibility to accept to do even better as a group.
(2) anchor
Many of the meetings would have been distributed in the provisional agenda but a copy of the content of the largest of flip.Today, as when a person with an independent topic breaks to perform:
(and pass the graph paper), go to the thing that is currently in discussion and say "how this is the problem here?
() the development of the speaker, to then connects two or will be, you can always Cancel."Park" (see below).
() the next time that a person with this problem is possibly significant step walk up to the graph paper and the same question again.
() then what is repeated about 3, you will find that once you have a pen and a look at the chart, you are automatically prompted to amend a statement on the agenda for consideration.
(3) use of the parking places
This is very useful when you suspect that the Assembly is side claimed .c ' is just a flip-over problems, questions or comments to revenir.Vous will probably have a discussion on monopolize, if you will get back to them .c ' is possibly on the basis of other trade negotiations, which are the best on one.
(4) the decision on the feet
Meetings, where people are shorter that the hearing, all parties to take on a diameter constant.10 minutes.la last meeting of the functional gawd knows Cup fell asleep ready.Stopwatch
Accounting procedures for which I worked, if the height of the belt and without chairs in their réunion.la meeting room table was brief and concise.le is that people are more easily on live, you can, it means that the status of the game table are fixed and more leads a décision.Vous can still chairs, but also to roundtables in participatory discussions and people are subject to a decision or process attached to reverse the hanging wall maps, it means that participants more animated and meetings will have more energy.
The result: everyone on the same page and therefore the decision, except at the next meeting should be...
We call it bumpin ' in thumpin "(Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, plans to run Windows Vista)"
and finally...However, there may be a misunderstanding, but is less likely to occur if the language is spoken!
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